Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Girly Girl

Cora is a Girl. She loves to crawl around in the grass outside and get good and dirty, and the sandbox is a favorite spot. But her primary focus when we're outside seems to be: flowers. The first yellow dandelions of the season were here first victims. She would point and giggle that fast low giggle of hers and then -pluck!- and into the mouth and shaken around and pulled apart piece by piece. Clover, daisies, and many others have met the same fate.

And how in the world did that child just seem to know that she could brush her own hair. I mean she barely has any! Except for the two sparse tufts that stick up in a way reminiscent of great horned owls, she just has fuzz really. But long ago (maybe she was 10 months old?), I stroked her head with a soft brush just a couple of times, and she was instantly an expert. She grabbed that thing and went to it on her own head. We haven't had many more brush experiences (what's the point?), but I got out the brush tonight, and she brushed her own hair and also enjoyed brushing the "fur" of the animals in her feel-and-read picture book.

Last evidence of the girliness of my girly girl? Jewelry. Already. (Side note: I like the word "bling," but I feel like it's over-used. Hence, it is banished from this entry. I do NOT like the word "blog.") Anyway, I'm being a little exaggerated here on the girl thing--I do remember that Isaac learned very early on to put on and take off necklaces and such and really seemed to enjoy it. But it's just comical to see a child so tiny - not even walking yet - pick up a belt or other long cord of some kind and try to "put it on." Over that big ol' head with those short little arms. Cora has been be-jeweling herself with my nylon belt for the past couple of weeks, so today I braided her a red, blue, and gold "necklace" out of some fabric scraps and sewed it together at the ends. Perfect bling for my beautiful little girl!

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